Car for sale!

Most men really care and love their precious car. Even if its an old rusty machine they still hold dear to it. Prank your friend by putting his car for sale

Categories: Brother, Colleagues, Husband, Best friend, Friends, Boyfriend

This prank is quite easy to do and requires little skill. Take some pictures of your friends' car and put it on a selling website like Craigslist for a ridiculously low price. He will get calls all day from people wanting to buy the car!

More April Fool Pranks

Move Someone's Car

For this April Fools' Day prank you need to get up early or stay up late. While everyone's asleep move the car around the block. It appears stolen!

Place 3.500 cups of water in your friends house

When away on April Fools' Day, his roommate thought it was the perfect time for a great prank. He placed 3.500 plastic cups of water all around the house.

Blue Milk

This one is great to fool your kids. When your kids are asleep the night before April Fools day you use food coloring to turn the milk in the carton blue!