Upside Down

When your kids are asleep you start preparing this epic april fools day prank. Turn frames, paintings, photo's and all other stuff upside down.

Categories: Children, Dad, Daughter, Mom, Parents, Son, Roommates

You know your kids will try to prank you on April Fools Day? Be one step ahead of them with this prank.

Watch your kids as they get out of bed, how soon will they notice something isn't quite right?

Of course kids can also use this prank to fool their parents!

More April Fool Pranks

Put tape on the water tap

This practical joke is plain and simple, thus perfect for rookie April Foolers. Put some tape under the water tap. When they turn it on, water squirts everywhere.


Hang up teabags outside someones room. It's excellent to do this to your roommates for an extended period of time, eventually they will lose it! You'll see :)

Computer screen

This one is great to prank your colleagues who work on a computer during April Fools' Day. Switch their computer screen upside down during a break.