Upside down water

Put some ice cubes in a glass and put the glass upside down.

Categories: Children, Dad, Daughter, Mom, Parents, Son, Roommates

Your guess is as good as ours as to how this person achieved this. We’re guessing either ice cubes in a glass or maybe even wet paper carefully removed.

Upside down water

More April Fool Pranks

The One Day Catfish

This joke is for your friends with a really good sense of humor. See if you can catch them in your trap of love and lies.

Toothpaste Touch

This is a prank anyone can perform as anybody has a tube of toothpaste lying around right?! Put the toothpaste somewhere your victim has to touh! April Fool!

Lost keys?

This April Fools Day prank requires some unusable keys. Make sure you have some and prank your friends or parents!