Insects in the lamp!

This one can really scare the crap out of someone! All you need is a pair of scissors and some paper. You'll need some skills as it isn't easy to cut out some insects!

Categories: Children, Dad, Family, Girlfriend, Mom, Parents, Partner, Roommates, Sister, Wife

All you need to do is cut out some insects and use tape to put them inside a lampshade. Watch and enjoy as your parents turn on the lamp. 

Please let us know if it worked!

Insect in a lampshade!

More April Fool Pranks

Move Someone's Car

For this April Fools' Day prank you need to get up early or stay up late. While everyone's asleep move the car around the block. It appears stolen!

Fake head in bed

Use a mannequin head and place it next to your partner while they sleep. Wake them up and as they try to look at you they freak out as they see the fake head.

Plants in your coworker's keyboard

This prank needs some preperation but is really worth it. Your coworker will show up and his keyboard will be full of little grasplants!