Move Someone's Car

For this April Fools' Day prank you need to get up early or stay up late. While everyone's asleep move the car around the block. It appears stolen!

Categories: Dad, Family, Friends, Mom, Parents, Roommates

When your family members get up and notice the car is gone, they will surely freak out. Maybe they will try to call the cops. Pick a nice moment to announce they've been pranked! April Fool!!!

More April Fool Pranks

Insects in the lamp!

This one can really scare the crap out of someone! All you need is a pair of scissors and some paper. You'll need some skills as it isn't easy to cut out some insects!

Plants in your coworker's keyboard

This prank needs some preperation but is really worth it. Your coworker will show up and his keyboard will be full of little grasplants!

Ripped Pants

Aprils Fools' Day prank: Ripped pants. When you are near your mom, drop the pen to the ground. As you reach down to grab it, it seem you rip your pants.