Put tape on the water tap

This practical joke is plain and simple, thus perfect for rookie April Foolers. Put some tape under the water tap. When they turn it on, water squirts everywhere.

Categories: Boyfriend, Brother, Dad, Girlfriend, Husband, Mom, Parents, Partner, Roommates, Sister, Wife, Children, Daughter, Son

All you need is some 'invisible' tape! Good luck!

More April Fool Pranks

Plants in your coworker's keyboard

This prank needs some preperation but is really worth it. Your coworker will show up and his keyboard will be full of little grasplants!

Blue Milk

This one is great to fool your kids. When your kids are asleep the night before April Fools day you use food coloring to turn the milk in the carton blue!

Smartphone Prank

Many people use their smartphone all the time, so one of the best ways to mess with them on April Fools' Day is to mess with their smartphone.