Exchange Sugar by Salt

This is one of the easier pranks. Exchange your victims sugar by salt and watch them suffer affer they have taken a sip of their coffee or tea.

Categories: Boyfriend, Colleagues, Dad, Family, Girlfriend, Mom, Parents, Partner, Roommates

Of course you could also do it the other way around, making people throw sugar over their food! But to ruin someone's entire meal? It's up to you! 

More April Fool Pranks

Ripped Pants

Aprils Fools' Day prank: Ripped pants. When you are near your mom, drop the pen to the ground. As you reach down to grab it, it seem you rip your pants.

Toothpaste Touch

This is a prank anyone can perform as anybody has a tube of toothpaste lying around right?! Put the toothpaste somewhere your victim has to touh! April Fool!

The One Day Catfish

This joke is for your friends with a really good sense of humor. See if you can catch them in your trap of love and lies.