Computer screen

This one is great to prank your colleagues who work on a computer during April Fools' Day. Switch their computer screen upside down during a break.

Categories: Classmates, Colleagues, Dad, Mom, Parents, Teacher

This is a fun way to prank one of your colleagues. When they go on break use CTR, ALT [ARROW] to switch their screen upside down.

Also turn the screen off. When they return, they'll probably say something like: "very funny guys", only to find out that the screen is upside down!

April Fool!

More April Fool Pranks

The One Day Catfish

This joke is for your friends with a really good sense of humor. See if you can catch them in your trap of love and lies.

Place 3.500 cups of water in your friends house

When away on April Fools' Day, his roommate thought it was the perfect time for a great prank. He placed 3.500 plastic cups of water all around the house.

Plants in your coworker's keyboard

This prank needs some preperation but is really worth it. Your coworker will show up and his keyboard will be full of little grasplants!