Caramelized Apples
Food pranks are among the best because they're easy to implement, and they generally get a big reaction, especially when someone gets something they don't expect.
Categories: Best friend, Children, Colleagues, Dad, Daughter, Family, Friends, Mom, Parents, Roommates, Son, Partner, Wife, Husband
Make a plate of caramel-covered onions, and insert Popsicle sticks in them so they look like caramelized apples.
Do you know other food pranks? Please send them to us.
More April Fool Pranks
Hang up teabags outside someones room. It's excellent to do this to your roommates for an extended period of time, eventually they will lose it! You'll see :)
Caramelized Apples
Food pranks are among the best because they're easy to implement, and they generally get a big reaction, especially when someone gets something they don't expect.
Upside down water
Put some ice cubes in a glass and put the glass upside down.