Send An "Accidental" Text Message

Pick a 'needs to know it all' friend from your group, and send a text about a juicy secret.

Categories: Best friend, Friends, Classmates, Roommates

Oops! Wrong person...

Something like "OMG I'm really not supposed to tell you this, but I just found out something MAJOR and I need to spill the beans. Promise not to tell anyone?"

Quickly follow that text up with, "Sorry, wrong person!" Your gossip-addicted friend will surely text you back, demanding to know your secret, but instead of filling them in, you can string them along all day before revealing that the major development is how gullible they are.

More April Fool Pranks

Move Someone's Car

For this April Fools' Day prank you need to get up early or stay up late. While everyone's asleep move the car around the block. It appears stolen!

Computer screen

This one is great to prank your colleagues who work on a computer during April Fools' Day. Switch their computer screen upside down during a break.


Hang up teabags outside someones room. It's excellent to do this to your roommates for an extended period of time, eventually they will lose it! You'll see :)